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RE: High Performance Ignition System?

Ian said...

>What kind of guarantee do these people give with regard to increase in 

No idea, the article didn't say

>Be interested to know the outcome.

So would I, that's why I posted it.  I never heard of them and the article 
quoted some interesting and questionable claims. I was just trying find out 
if anybody ever heard of them.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Iain Atkinson (ETL) [SMTP:iain.atkinson@etl.ericsson.se]
Sent:	Friday, October 08, 1999 2:17 AM
To:	'Don Muirhead'; Quattro (E-mail)
Subject:	RE: High Performance Ignition System?

Hi Don

Maybe I am being pessimistic, but I don't see how changing the wires and 
coil would give you an increase of 12 to 15%. Whilst I haven't heard of 
Aurora (wasn't that some kind of secret US military project??) over here, I 
would still take anyone's claim with a large pinch of salt. What kind of 
guarantee do these people give with regard to increase in performance??

Be interested to know the outcome.



-----Original Message-----
From:	Don Muirhead [mailto:dmr@kwic.com]
Sent:	07 October 1999 15:14
To:	Quattro (E-mail)
Subject:	High Performance Ignition System?

Aurora Electronics...anybody have any dealings with them or no anything
about this company in BC?  Can't find anything on them other than what was
in an article (not an ad) in a local newspaper.

Aurora High Performance Ignition System - Claims:
Coil & Wire Sets increases hp & torque by an average of 12-15% and reducing 
fuel consumption 15-25%.  Coil $365, wire sets $55-$75 (cdn).
