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RE: Diffs, sometimes opinion

so scott, don't worry about not attempting to explain in easy steps about
how to get the "bite".  you clearly are unable to, either that or it must
take more than the 200 lines of text which is the effort you are prepared to
put into *not* describing it for the rest of us.

i will now give up on this attempt to obtain information from you...

i note also that the spinning of a quattro in the rain is now construed as
evidence for the bite.  its getting like 60 minutes isn't it [mike]?

1) phil (mb torsen ur-quattro) fails to find evidence of the bite in 18
months of driving. hard.
2)phil obtains a type 44 and gets a spider bite.  immediately.  chorus of
approval from various interested parties noting application of scientific
method, honesty, integrity etc, right phil :-)
3) phil looks at rear chassis setup and finds it well out of wack
4) chassis setup fixed, and car behaviour exhibits no further evidence of

any other positive contributions?  for instance, i would like to hear from
other type 44 owners who have had a similar experience to phil, and/or who
have changed their chassis setup in any way and what their experiece of the
vehicle behaviour is...

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
'88 mb 2.3-16

-----Original Message-----

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 11:04:27 EDT
From: QSHIPQ@aol.com
Subject: RE:  Diffs, sometimes opinion

Dave E. gets his hacls up over:
>still ducking and diving scott?

"Ducky" in the rain, and that's driving, Dave.  Should have been at the Road
America National qclub event watching spiders bite torsen cars in the rain.
More spins and offs in a single day, than I've seen in 8years of qclub
(not one locker went off, hmmmm)....  Oh yea, the "challenge awaits"