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archives need help - was Re: Anybody know CC Error 15?
well, i spent 45 minutes searching and browsing to find the first piece,
and it didn't come up then. i am happy to see that the search is much
better than it used to be, but looking for one precise thing is still
fairly impossible.
dan, it still seems like you are sometimes more interested in proving
some religious point about your archives than you are in helping people
find answers. i know the archives have lots of great information. so
does the greater internet. much like the greater internet, the
limitations of a general keyword index over a broad scope of topics
means that usefulness is limited - at least when compared to the amount
of time it takes to find the data. i understand this is not your
personal fault, per se, and i and many others have repeatedly offered to
help write FAQ's and other pieces to help address this, yet you seem to
resist help or collaboration. i think this is unfortunate, as all would
be served by any improvements of this sort. and don't think for a
moment that i do not appreciate your time and money spent on the effort
- when you asked for some small donations in the recent past, i was one
of the first to send you a check. i do think that you need to
understand that suggestions and feedback for improvements are not
personal criticisms of you or the time and work you put in, but just
good intentioned attempts to help and build even better things for us
all. and please understand that a curt answer to 'search the archives'
frequently does not provide a solution for many of us.
Dan Simoes wrote:
> I don't, but I'm sure it is in the archives.
> --
> Dan Simoes mail:dans@iclick.com
> iClick web:www.iclick.com
> 410 Saw Mill River Road LL 135 voice: 914.693.0837
> Ardsley, NY 10502 fax:914.693.1055
John J Cunningham