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ken said...Does anyone have any advice or tips for changing out the bomb?  
I've looked at the new one, but I haven't seen the old one, or it's 
orientation on the car. and then...When I replace the bomb, do I need to
bleed the hydraulic system?
        since i just did my bomb this week i guess it's fresh enough in my
mind.. raise the car on ramps and block the wheels. the bomb is beside the
left motor mount. the bomb is secured into its spot with a single 10mm nut.
the tips of each end of the bomb are lightly pressed into rubber mounts.
before attacking the 10mm nut...oil it well, then begin releasing the other
three connections. first a hose clamp which holds the bottom hose coming
from the reservoir...so when it's released..pentosin flows down your arm and
into your arm pit..unless you are prepared with a container. when it has
drained, use a 17mm wrench on the banjo bolt, and then a flare nut wrench on
the high pressure union. (on my car the flare nut looked as though it should
be an 11mm but it was in fact a 7/16" so watch out for this.) with the lines
removed loosen the 10mm fixing nut a few turns. the nut end of the bomb can
then be lifted to clear the retaining hook. a bit of sideways wiggling of
the bomb and pulling towards the front of the car will release it from the
donut rubber clamp at the other end. then it's just a matter of withdrawing
it. i found it easiest to take it out to the rear after moving the banjo
line and high pressure line out of the way.
        when you have reassembled the new bomb..fill the hydraulic reservoir
with fresh pentosin to the max mark. with the car on level ground, start the
engine and let it run for a few minutes, then turn the steering lock to
lock..this will bleed the system. turn off the engine and pump the brakes
the 30 or so times to releive the pressure/ discharge the bomb. then recheck
the pentosin level in the reservoir. if necessary fill it to the max line.
remember that when the system is under pressure the bomb is filled with
hydraulic fluid so your reservoir level will appear lower. thats why you
discharge the bomb before adding fluid. go for a short drive and recheck
your connections for leaks. i also took the opportunity to replace all
stiffened or spongy hoses in the system and to clean the reservoir while the
bomb was out...and discovered that my "rack"leak was a spongy bottom hose.
rack was fine :>)  

86 5kcdtq, tap chip sjm spring
84 5ks
84 5ksw
many cyclops bicycles