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Spiders to date - specific sites

A couple of thoughts come up on the discussions in the last couple days:

*  Phil, by "alignment at the track" - I mean that I have available to me, a 
full 4 wheel alignment machine in a garage 500ft from a 1 mile road course.  
A course, btw, that immediately after a "proper" 4 wheel 44 alignment, 
promptly bit my ass on dry pavement.  

*  Phil - Please post up the "proper" specs used by your shop, that's easily 
repeatable.  Also the "before" printout might be useful.  If your "shop" 
considers that proprietary (?), how bout narrowing the range for us.  I've 
done and/or supervised dozens of alignments, I find just the correlation of 
spider bite to alignment to be somewhat intriguing.  I follow the logic that 
a misaligned car might be *more* prone to bite, but can't jump with you that 
a properly aligned car won't bite at all.  You may want to read Dave E's 
'referenced' SAE 885140

*  Phil, have some discussions as to relative slip angles.  How does your 
source explain a torsen v relative slip angles across the center diff?  How 
and under what conditions might those change given a triangluted front sway 

*  Dave E. - you're done dude.  You tried to blindside me with an un-named 
reference, which I named for you (see above).  If you all of a sudden have a 
problem sending Jeff an e-mail, then I totally understand what the real issue 
is. So close, then you  point the finger at me and SAE?  It's *your* 
reference material, big guy.  Care to take a stab at *my* questions to you?  
Or do you just want me to 'regurgitate' the information you requested?  Or do 
you just want to drop it and concetrate on the mitsu/toyota VC awd systems? 
"Complicated" indeed.

For more posted on this topic in the archives:
For an exellent DESCRIPTION of the SPIDER BITE, take a look at the discourse 
of J. Goggin to D. Eaton:

<To give Dave some credit, since these archive posts he has since understood 
that slip angle and slip angle differences AREN'T necessarily the same as 
traction (his confusion looking at earlier posts).  However, they are 
*interpreted* as the same input by the torsen center diff  (it's confused 
too, the exact problem).>

B Rudack eperience

E. Furguson

For J Goggin interview with Chocholek
re Chocholek white paper

Thanks to Dan for the mucho improved search engine.


Scott Justusson