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headings and list handling

For y'all's edification, here's my current method for reading this lists 
and other emails:

1.  On the digest
2.  Pegasus mail is my email client
3.  I have the "digester" setup to break up the digests into an easy 
to read format.

This allows me to open up the single digest email, and the body fo 
the email is a list of subject lines.  I can sort by subject (or 
whatever), and simply double click on the subject I'm interested in, 
and it open up the message.  I can use the "previous" and "next" 
keys to open the respective messages.

It works pretty well for me, but I can't delete individual messages.  I 
don't really need to though, either.

If anyone cares,


p.s.  Oh yeah, I think the effin' Torsen thread should always include 
the word Torsen in the subject line for those that are tired of the 