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Re: A New Look at Torsens

On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Phil Payne wrote:

> > My US dealer tells me three hours on the rack.  I've watched them.  It
> > takes them that long.  Not that I have a clue what's going on, but it sure
> > sits on there for a while.
> Now we need the essential datum - how does your car behave at 10/10ths?

I had hoped to stay out of the fray, but when the Type 85 4kq gets back on
the road (ETA: 3-4 weeks), and the Type 89 90q is ready for some 10/10ths
driving (ie. after it gets dialed in on the rack) , I will give it a shot.

Low CF is coming with winter, which should make this event a little easier
on open ground.

No promises, but I will let you know if it happens.

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