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Cupholders --- some fresh ideas.


In the past there have been multiple threads on the topic of cup-
holders for the AUDI cockpit.  These have not held any interest for
me.  The more practical question has always been:  What can be done
about the puzzling lack of cupholders in the AUDI engine compartment?
Not only is much more time spent under the hood than actually driving
the car, but the variety of beverages that can legally be consumed
from the hood area is much greater.

I have found that a couple of long drinks help maintain the illusion
that nursing an old AUDI is the smart thing to do, but balancing a
highball on top of the engine is nearly impossible.

Any ideas?  Has anyone given any thoughts to an icemaker?


Gisli Ottarsson, PhD                     
Mechanical Dynamics Inc.            gisli@adams.com    
2301 Commonwealth Blvd.             Tel: 1-734-913-2550
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105           Fax: 1-734-994-6418