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Re: List Recognition Decals

If you can make it fly, then I'll definately buy!  

(Sorry, I was feeling a little like Johnny Cochran there for a minute!)

Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,


`85 4kq
`82 & `86 CGT (R.I.P.)

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 09:59:20 -0400 Robert Myers <rmyers@inetone.net>
> Hi Y'all,
> Several times in recent years there has been discussion about 
> getting
> decals for windshield, etc., for list members use.  As far as I can 
> tell,
> nothing has ever actually been done to get the ball rolling.  The 
> purpose
> of the decals would be to provide a sort of "instant recognition" 
> method
> for list members.  I personally would use two of them - one for a 
> corner of
> the rear window and one for a corner of the front windshield.
> I have a basic design and have quotes on pricing for that design and 
> am
> willing to go ahead and have them made provided I can at least break 
> even
> on them.
> The design:  A white oval, 3 inches wide by 2 inches high 
> (~75mmx50mm) with
> a fairly large [Tom's quattro font] "q" in the center and the list 
> curved along the bottom edge in smaller letters.  The material will 
> be the
> static cling vinyl used at the jiffy-lube-type-place for indicating 
> the
> next oil change mileage.  Easy on - easy off - instantly movable.
> The quote for my price:  500 (minimum order) for US$160 plus 
> shipping to my
> address.  (<US$200)
> Your price:  How about US$2.50 each (incl. postage in US)?  This 
> would pay
> off my costs (including final shipping) with the first 100 or so 
> sold.
> I don't want a profit, I just don't want to be out a bunch.  Any 
> sales
> profits beyond enough to allow me to break even will be contributed 
> to Dan
> for list expenses.
> The potential drawback:  Audi still has made no comments regarding 
> whether
> or not the q-list will be permitted to continue using
> http://www.audifans.com as the list URL.  If Audi refuses to permit 
> this
> usage then the URL could become obsolete and the decals would 
> require a
> reprint to remain current.
> How much interest is there for such an item?  If I get enough 
> response to
> indicate that I can at least break even on the decals I will go 
> ahead and
> place the order.
> Please let me know of your interest, if any.
> ___
>    Bob
> ***********************************************************************
> * Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net          Home 304-574-2372     
>  *
> * Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP         
>  *
> * '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244          
>  *
> * http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm  MediaRing Talk 
> 304-574-1166*
> ***********************************************************************