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RE: A New Look at Torsens
Ok everybody, let's calm down. Criminey, I leave for the weekend, and
anarchy reigns.
Thanks to everyone for the private posts. They were much nicer (and much
more intelligent in a less informative way :-) than any of the (I count 45)
weekend emails on the subject.
BTW, if you challenged any of the current 4 possible torsen comments, you
DIDN"T follow directions, and get 2 demerits. If you responded to a post
challenging one of the 4, you get 1 demerit, not 2, as I assume you were
entraped (lured) in responding. Stop responding until we get a more
comprehensive list. Ignore the temptation to contine the insanity of the
previous threads. They don't work. I'm not sure this will work either, but
I am willing to try.
So, has anyone thought of any new reasons why spiders bite here (USA) and
not there (UK, NZ, Greece?{Pantelis?})?? Did anyone answer Huw's question
about steering wheel orientation in NZ?? Dave???
> The current list. I know some (if not all) have been de-cried as false at
> one time or another, but that isn't part of this exercise yet. You'll all
> get you chance to slam these one by one after we get a comprehensive list.
> BTW, I have one also. see # 4.
> > 1. (Phil P.) Possible differences in the specification of the alignment
> > job itself, _NOT_ the actual numbers used. Hints have suggested it's a
> > 'less than one hour' job for US dealers, whereas Audi in Europe allows
> two
> > hours and BR Motorsport frequently take three.
> > .
> > 2. (Jim Haseltine) Where the driver sits.
> > Dave & Phil sit on the righthand side, Jeff & Scott on the left, so the
> cg
> > of their cars are different. Now unless Audi build cars that have a cg
> on
> > the centreline when unlanden (bet they don't) then the cg's when loaded
> > will be in different places, not just displaced by similar amounts left
> or
> > right. We probably all know how the positioning of a load can affect the
> > handling of a vehicle. I'm not saying that this is the answer but it
> could
> > well be a contributing factor.
> >
> > 3. (Jim Haseltine) maybe a combination of the different cg and Ur-q
> > chassis/suspension have moved the bite point outside the handling
> envelope
> > of an Ur-q? Before the Torsen reaches the 'bite' the driver has already
> > lost it...
> > Keep them coming. I'll try to compile this list as it grows. Perhaps
> > this
> > is the way to get to the bottom of this, 'cause the way we've been going
> > isn't working.
> >
> 4. (Gary Lewis) Is it possible that some components between the Euro
> vehicles and USA vehicles are different? I do know that the right hand
> drive vehicles have different parts, so there is one example. But what
> about gearing and differentials, other driveline componenets? We
> admittedly
> get the shit stuff here in the USA, maybe we got the retards version of a
> torque sensing device.
> Gary...