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Re: fickle fuel pressure

Don't know where you are, but could water in the gas
which is freezing and then plugging (temporarily) the
fuel filter be a possibility?

I had this problem consistently the first of ever
winter with a truck that I had. Solved with a dose of
a gas dryer product and a new fuel filter.

'85 4ksq

--- David Martin <tinbender@kachina.net> wrote:
> Bought an '89 200T with an odd problem. In the
> mornings on the way to
> work the car will stall every 1/4 mile or so as if
> rudnning out of fuel.
> Every time this happens I can hear the fuel pump
> scream. Once it warms
> up it stalls less often, maybe every few miles, but
> the strangest thing
> is that when the tank is full it stalls rarely if at
> all.
> Remedies tried so far are, changing fuel filter,
> checking fuel pump
> screen and pulling all my hair out.  Everything I
> try while the engine
> is running leads me nowhere since it insists on
> stalling only when
> driving down the road. 
> It's a beautiful car and I sure wish I could drive
> it.  I hope someone's
> got some ideas.
> 							Thanks,
> 							Josh Martin


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