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Re: over/under bet - T*rson Thread

In a message dated 10/18/99 7:51:25 PM Central Daylight Time, grega@pobox.com 

> Earlier today, ScottJ (aka QSHIPQ) spewed the following:

>  No, Scott, but thanks for the compliment. However, unlike you, I can drive
>  the piss outta my T*orsen-equipped Audi car, rain or shine, track or 
>  without spinning the car and coming up with some BS excuses for poor 
>  techniques.

Ok, you don't have anything to add.  Interesting that you can do it, and 
audis own race drivers (with all due respect to your resume) don't *have* to. 
 Or *want* to.  Poor driving techniques or just better devices available?

>  I seem to recall someone's website with their car dumped into a snow bank,
>  standing next to it with a sh*t-eating grin. That wouldn't happed to have
>  been scored to a "spider bite", eh Scott?

Absolutely, in fact Greg, that was me helping Valerie (soon to be Howell) 
firmly planted in a snowbank, IN the apex (for the 12th time or so:).  Never 
see lockers doing that.  BTW, anyone that's been to Steamboat for 5 years 
knows, I've never needed a tow or push out of the banks, and am one of the 
fastest at that venue.  And I won an SCCA rallycross there in a borrowed q.  
Come on out Greg, a bunch of us would love to see you make your point.  Low 
cf is such a great equalizer.

>  ScottJ, you haven't "used" anything. All you've done is wasted a lot of
>  time, bandwidth, and disk space to try and convince a group of people that
>  you're "smart". Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't; I'll leave that up to 
>  individual reader.

Interesting comment from a guy that puts up his *own* expert testimony on 
BIRA.  I don't claim I'm smart, I only *claim* I'm an idiot.  I also claim 
while driving a torsen center audi, I'm in good company.  Did you read any of 
the posts?  What exactly do you disagree with?

>  In my opinion, if you were really smart you've have used actual facts (you
>  know, information?) from that paper to bolster your claims, rather than
>  letting everyone know that you've managed to memorize the identification
>  number and implying that you might have actually read it.

You should read objectively, instead of trying to "get revenge" over your 
brake thing.  How would you know if the information I posted *isn't* in the 
paper if you haven't read it?
>  The only actually accomplishment you've done in the meantime is be 
>  annoying.

Appreciate the feedback.  I'm also in good company again.

>  I don't need it ScottJ. I drive the car well regardless of its handling
>  characteristics. I don't need to know why you can't.

Ok, I challenge you to make your point. Steamboat is the last weekend in Jan. 
 Mark your calender.  

>  Hell, I haven't read the paper, don't intend to, and don't need to. I don't
>  make excuses, I drive the car. Bullshit walks.

Unfortunately, audis own race drivers walked too, away from the torsen.  

>  I'm laughing at you, bud. After your heartfelt warmest concerns for the
>  Quattro list archives that you chunked about last week, you don't even know
>  how to use them. All I have to do is a archives search, and count the
>  numbers.

Greg, BS walks?  Promise to bring your car to steamboat, and let's drop this. 
 Chest puffing is fun, this banter is a WOB.  Put up dude, I know what *you* 
claim, it's all over your BIRA site.  I presume if I send in my 20bux, I can 
get the same membership benefits the rest receive?  Glad to see your resume 
is not *membership* required.  Let's add Steamboat to that resume, a great 
test of anyones resume.

Thanks for your response, quite telling.  If you want to continue, please do 
post privately

Scott Justusson