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RE: Audi Posters / Pics

Alan, I have noticed that on ebay auctions there are usually lots of
posters, brochures and things like that.  check it out!  

I have no affiliation or interest in ebay, blah blah...

Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693

'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From: 	Alan Kramer[SMTP:ackramer@hotmail.com]
>Sent: 	October 19, 1999 4:54 AM
>To: 	quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: 	Audi Posters / Pics
>Does anyone know if there are any nice looking Audi posters or pictures out 
>there? (something worthy of framing, not a computer printout) I just moved 
>to a new office and suddenly have more wall space to occupy.
>'81 4k/4E
>'83 CGT
>'85 CGT
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