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Re: Just put Hella 500s on the Coupe...

Thanks for the Hella summary, Todd. I hasten to admit, the price was the
deciding factor here... c'mon, I paid $50 for the set, new in box, including
relays, covers, and wiring. Yes, a set of Euros will provide more light, but
at what price?
As for the fact that they make bigger lights... of course. I guess I just
meant that the car looks rallyish as opposed to rice-racerish. Which is what
any small oval,round,or square light looks like to me when it's mounted on a
type 85. The 500s are a sort of nice "period piece" upgrade- reminiscent of a
set of 4000 Hellas the way a Coupe GT is reminiscent of the ur-q. And hey- as
far as cost/benefit goes, I think the analogy holds both ways! Still wishing I
could afford a nice ur-q though. Nice fleet BTW!

Todd Phenneger wrote:

> Rob,
>         The 500's are a pretty decent light.  but believe me, you get used
> to them.  In actuality, their output is about the same as a set of H1/h4
> Audi Euro lights.  The nice type like on the S2, or 200q, or Ur-q's.  And
> they are supposed to be used with 55w bulbs.  Factory euro's can take more
> and a 130w factory H1 will put out more light than the 500's.  You can try
> some 100w bulbs but dont go any higher.  I bet they can take it even
> though some dealers say they cant handle them for long periods.  But short
> periods of time would be fine.  (Like most High beams get used).
>         BTW,  they realy arent' THAT big.  They are only about a 6" light.
> The 500's, while in my opinion the BEST bargain upgrade for high beams,
> are very good but are the Base model aftermarket round light for the Hella
> line.  The 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 go up the line with the 4000 Motor
> Sport HID unit being the top.  The 1000 is basically a 500 with a larger
> reflector and puts out a little more light.  The 2000 and 3000 are about
> the same size (slightly larger than the 1000) as each other and are higher
> quality and capable of taking almost any bulb you want.  The 4000's are
> even bette.r  The Beam is better and the mounting design is the real nice
> thing as they wont Vibrate.
>         BTW, I like your mounting.  I've seen it before on Max McDonalds
> Coupe (he owns AVS and his coupe was in EC about a year ago in the coupe
> issue). I lvoe the look of them down there.
>         Anyhow, try 100w if you want.  Or try it in one lens for a few
> months.  Then if it melts the chrome off your only out like $40 or so for
> a new light.  Anyhow, enjoy your new lights, they are WELL worth the
> money.  ANd keep those SUV's at bay. :-)
>         L8R
>         Todd Phenneger
>         1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
>         1984 4000 quattro / modified/ turbo conv almost done.
>         1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
>         1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
>    *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!