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Tires (here we go again)

	Lets keep this as painless as possible.  I know the opinions on
just about every snow tire out there except a couple.  A havent seen a
snow tire thread ont he list yet so I'll ask the question.  Car is a VW
Jetta.  Sisters car.  195/60-14 stock size.  I'm wanting to put 185/65-14
tires on it for the winter.  
	Blizzaks ruled out for price and dry handling.  Supposedly the new
ones are better but I'll hold judgement untill I drive someone ELSES car
with them.  On our subaru, they ar4e scary in the dry.  Michelin's are
ruled out due to price.  Pirelli's also ruled out for price. I like the
Yoko Gaurdes's from everything I've read and seen. 
	 But for cheaper I can
get the Dunlop GRASPICS.  Anyone have any feedback with these.  preferable
someone who has had one of the other tires mentioned for a comparison?  I
suspect they are very good but can they compare with the more expensive
Gaurdex's and Michelins? 
	Thanks, lets try to keep this short and painless.  Please, if you
love Blizaks, fine, I dont.  Lets keep it that way.  Just looking for info
on the Graspics.  If you have both, GREAT, how do they compare.  Oh, and
of course I know the newer Low Profile Blizaks handle WAy better than the
old ones did.  :-)
	L8R (running and gritting teeth while waiting)

	Todd Phenneger
	1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
	1984 4000 quattro / modified/ turbo conv almost done.
	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!