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URq showing 5MPG all the time

Having checked that my Centre diff wasnt causing the problem I am still wondering what is causing my MPG on my digital Dash to be constanlty showing 5MPG.  
After first starting the car the MPG hovers around the expected figures for about 30 seconds before finally settling on 5MPG. 
If I open the throttle Hard the figure sneaks up to 15MPG or so before droppping back to 5MPG on the over run.  

This appears to be some sensor playing up somewhere or if Im luck just a loose earth wire [ yea luck and a wiring fault with a URq right ?? :-)]

Ive done a rough test to check that the MPG isnt really slumped to 5 - and its still a genuine-ish @20MPG around town.

Does any one have any ideas - its an 86 URq with the star wars dash??


85 URq
91 Legacy GT

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