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Re: 4kq antenna and speed trap story

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:46:10 -0500, Jenny Curtis wrote:
>[ ... ]
>After dealing with the experienced idiots at Audio King, I gave up and ordered
>directly from Blaupunkt.  Now I've gathered all the pieces, except one:  I need
>an antenae mast, since mine is broken off about 6" above the base.  I know Blau
>sells the whole thing, but I don't need that. 

Try talking to the fellow at http://www.antennaworld.com/  If there is
a replacement mast for your unit, he will have one.

>[ ... ]
>I've lived in this neighborhood for five years and its always been 35 all along
>Stinson.  All of a sudden I noticed that I've past a police car parked with his
>lights off in one of the indentations.  The Admiral Ackbar in me screamed:
>a trap!"  I hit the brakes, but too late.  My heart sank as I saw the spinning
>lights in my rear view mirror.  The cop asks me if I know what the speed limit
>is on Stinson and I say 35.  He says no, that it's been changed to 25.  Then he
>proceeds to give me a lecture about how this is a residential neighborhood and
>they are always 25 mph.  I reminded him that the very next street over is
>at 35 mph.  It is just as residential.  [ ... ]

I hear you. There's always the traffic enforcement revenue aspect to this
sort of thing, but the police probably aren't the ones who pushed for
the limit change. I'd bet that a couple of "activist mommies" moved into
the neighborhood recently and harassed the traffic department to make
the change. Nevermind that thousands of other drivers are inconvenienced
(and set up) because these folks are not confident they can keep their idiot
children away from the street. Happens all the time around here. Really
puts a crimp in the natural selection process.

DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO, Home of the Speed Bump and MPRG (Mommies Packing Radar Guns)
88 5kcstq