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Re: Noisy Delrin Bushings
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Gerry Snow wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with the Delrin bushings as sold by Blau for
> the front and rear lower control arms on a 4000q? I installed a set last
> week, together with the H&R springs to complete the suspension upgrade that
> began with Boge Turbo Pro struts. The bushings pressed into the lower
> control arm mounts a little easier than I expected. The instruction sheet
> indicated that after initial hand assembly, the bushings would need to be
> driven home with an arbor press (something like the OEM rubber bushings, I
> expect). However, we were able to push them home essentially by hand. When
> the car is driven, I can hear the bushings moving around within the lower
> control arm mounts. I can also bounce the car by hand (its hard with those
> springs and struts!), and hear the slight movement between the bushings and
> the control arms. I trusted my mechanic to properly torque the control arm
> mounting bolts (to 60 Nm or about 43 ft-lb), and I had him check it again
> today. But is it possible that they need to be torqued again? I assume
> that he torqued them up with the weight of the car on the suspension as
> required by the installation instructions (and indeed the Bentley manual),
> but if not, would this lead to excessive play between the bushings and the
> control arm mounts? Or is it possible that the bushings I received were
> off-spec? Or finally, are these things just normally somewhat loose in the
> mounts and noisy?
> Best Regards,
> Gerry Snow
> Spokane, Washington, USA
> 84 4000q
I have noisy polyurethane bushings from TAP. I installed them myself, but
didn't torque them with the car down. They are loose again. I did notice
that after I torqued them on the lift they were quieter, then as they got
loose they got noisier. I'm going to tighten them tomorrow by lowering
the car on to ramps via a lift. Ask your mechanic if he torqued them with
the weight on the suspension. I went through 2 sets of OEM bushings which
are harder to install, then to the poly ones that have lasted but
sometimes give the spongy sound. You didn't mention anything about the
steering control. It was a noticeable improvement. Going to the PIR
event Nov. 4-5 with QCUSA and the NWRQC? Check out www.nwquattroclub.org
for more info and how to get on the local list.
'88 90Q
Nathan Belo
Skyline Properties, Inc.
9709 3rd Ave. N.E. Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98115
Residential/Commercial/BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Restaurants, Night Clubs,
Gas Stations, Franchises, etc.)
Office: 206.522.3400 ext.333 Fax: 206.522.6890 Pager: 206.559.2356
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