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RE: scratched lights (Forward)


Jeweler's rouge is a very fine grade abrasive made of iron oxide (rust).
It is (used to be?) used as a final polish for jewelry.  It is reddish in
color and has a texture much like a lady's rouge make up.  Hence,
"Jeweler's rouge".  

Will it work on a pitted windshield?  I have no idea but if someone tries
it and has success please be sure to publicize the fact.

"Torsen list", huh, Tom?  I like it.  And I though the Dutch were s'posed
to be humorless.  Oder vas dat der Shermans?  :-)

At 10:20 PM 10/21/1999 +0200, Tom Nas wrote:
>"Iain Atkinson (ETL)" <iain.atkinson@etl.ericsson.se> wrote:
>>Had another thought on this subject, I have heard of some windscreen
>>>replacement companies offering a polishing service to remove scratches
>>etc,  I >wonder if the principle could be applied to the headlights???? I
>>will make a >few calls and find out .
>When you pose the 'removing scratches from glass' question to a classic
>cars magazine, they usually come up with something called 'jeweler's
>rouge'. I have no idea what this is, but I imagine a jeweler might be able
>to help here.
>There used to be glass polishing compound for sale here. Tried it, didn't
>work on anything but heavy dirt.
>The Netherlands
* Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net          Home 304-574-2372      *
* Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP          *
* '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244           *
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