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Re: quattro-digest V1 #542
> Dan S . wrote:
> We interrupt the torsen-piss, er, my ego-is-greater-than-yours list,
> with some great news:
> Please welcome our newest qlister, Aine (pronounced "ahn-yuh") Grace Simoes.
> She was born at 4:54am today, 5 weeks early, but seems to be doing fine.
Congratulations Dan. A Qlist digest type, I am only on #542, at 9:00p.m. PST, and I
could care less to scan all of the "future" digests to see if I am duplicating
anyone's wheel. Congrats to your family again!
I will also add that I am impressed with the increased diplomacy relevant to the
t*rsen thread. With reason, and patience, the truth will wash out, THANKS for your
patience Dan.
Welcome to the world Aine.
What better way to go home than with loving parents in an S6.
Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ with tired center driveshaft bearing (Damn, it only went 245K(miles)!)