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audisaster and so on

I read on the lsit how soeone had ordered a car to find the spec
of their prized new S4 toy turned out to be wrong. I too have the
same problem with an A6 V8 and have been trying to get to the
bottom of the story. This is the third example I have come
accross. From discussions with some frustrated folks at the
dealers the following seems to be a part of the story.

Audi has always feared expanding their range because it would
require a fairly large investment in man power at Audi USA, an
area of the company that neither pays well, nor has had any level
of quality in its leadership. By adding the increased model range,
some of their worst fears have been realized. The computer codes
were not updated and reconciled before dealers started placing
orders; the DOT and EPA tests were supposed to be completed before
the first cars were delivered but by lack of coordination between
the non Audi VW AG company that does this for all VW cars, and the
Audi USA people, the dealers were not prepped for the 4 new cars.
In fact most dealers did not see the cars until they were here. In
addition there has been an almost fanatical attention to the TT to
the detriment of the other models. So there are a number of cars
that will arrive or have arrived reflecting orders placed more or
less before the end of August that will be incorrectly specced',
may not be released from the port; and may have to have
accessories removed or deactivated. This happened last year with
the heated steering wheels. These are common in Europe, but could
not be sold here for some time because certain DOT mandated
changes made them overheat and melt their plastic trim.
     So on sad note my dealer has told me that they have no idea
when or if my paid for (my fault) car would be released by the EPA
and DOT from the Boston Car Port, and they are willing to accept
my order cancellation and refund me my money. Like many I am
disappointed, but after hearing the twaddle that comes out of the
mouth of so many at Audi USA, I am not surprised. I am told by my
German work colleagues that this is why the Audi A8 will remain a
definite 3rd in the prestige circles there. Management
indifference to the marque enthusiasts has prevented them from
building a cadre (literally thousands) of German industrialists
who order a new Merc 500/600 or BMW 7 every 2 years.
     Now I have to figure out what to do for transport as there
are few unspoken 2.7Ts 6/V8s or S4s unspoken for. Let me know if
you hear of any. Preferably without those awful pretend HID
lights. Compare them with the BMW ones if you dont believe me!