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Re: V-8 Q, what am I missing?
<<Wow, where do I sign up to sell stuff in Bucksnort?
I bought the timing belt for my V8Q for $40.00, original Continental from
Mark at Adirondack. I installed myself, not rocket science, but not as
easy as an I5. Requires the manual and a few special tools, not exactly
unique in the world of high end German machinery. Comparing the V8Q to
the 5KS, I probably spend 1 hour of my time on maintenance/repair on the
V8Q for every 10 I spend on the 5KS.
I stand corrected. The Audi V-8s are very
inexpensive cars to maintain and very easy to work on.
We should all change over from the I-5 cars as soon as possible. Especially to the ones with automatic
transmission 'cause those trannies are dirt cheap to get parts for and never give any problems.