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Re: '86 5KCSTQ speedo intermittent?

> Hi, guys. I have been trying to solve the classic, intermittend speedo
> problem, on our car. I have found several posts regarding this, but all of
> them are for the later models 200. I have taken the IC out and was surprised
> to see that the circuit board is the flexible kind. I could not see any
> obvious problems, like the ones pointed out for the 200 models. I have put
> it back together, until I have more specific info. I really need to fix it,
> because I need to keep track of milage, for work, and they don't like
> guesswork! Any BTDT's ? Thanks, Martin. '86 5KCSTQ, 5spd, Euro's, 193KMi

I fixed the speedo on my car this past summer.  After removing the gage
cluster from the car, I discovered a 4 or 5 pin connector on the left side
of the speedo face that was loose.  The solder connection had cracked,
allowing only intermediate connections.  This explained why a goo *wack*
on the dash would bring the speedo back to life.

I re-soldered this connection, hooked everything back up, and it's worked
like a champ ever since.


Paul Luevano            |  AMA #418487  |'99 CBR 600F4  (Racebike)
http://teamdaemon.com   | USM * CCS #898|'97 CBR 1100XX (Streetbike)      
Waltham, MA USA         |  NMA #116657  |'87 5KCSTQ     (Winter)
________"Man's purpose is to live, not to exist."-Jack London_______