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Re: Aftermarket steering wheel?
WELL, i did kinda expect that he was pulling my leg. But I don't want to get
killed by this thing. The dealer told me that its a bad bag. It won't even
inflate at all, meaning everything in the bag is gone. Meaning, even if I
'jimmied' around in it, it won't inflate. Kinda fishy, no? I just want a
good mechanic to fix my car with/o any hassle or fuss. But I also want the
truth. ::sigh:: Where am I going to find that?
Well, back to the problem at hand. I like having an airbag, because it adds
security while driving though those corners. Has anyone put an A4 wheel or
older S4/S6/100 wheel on?
Does it even work? TIA
Jason C
89 200
Redmond WA
In a message dated 10/28/99 6:38:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
armanmik@n-jcenter.com writes:
> Jason, amigo, you are not listening to your friends here on the list!
> Car dealers want exactly one thing from you. One thing. That is to get as
> much money as possible out of you by fair means or foul (foul is preferred
> - it is more lucrative) until you get pissed off and buy something else,
> whereupon the dealer for the something else starts the process all over
> again.
> If a car dealer tells you the sun is shining, you are well advised to go
> outside and check this for yourself.
> It IS possible to determine when a car dealer is lying to you: If you watch
> very carefully, you can see his lips move.
> No one really KNOWS when an air bag "goes bad". Does this mean it won't
> inflate when needed? Does it mean it will blow up in your face, unprovoked
> (Unintended inflation thread warning!)? The dealer is covering his behind
> because he thinks the air bag MIGHT be "BAD" in some unspecified way. The
> fact that it will cost YOU $900, paid to HIM, is just added incentive for
> him to tell you that "yew gonna die, boy" unless you buy "X" right now.