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Re: How do I change Hydraulic Fluid? Pump Reseal

I don't remember hydraulic fluid being under pressure when I removed my ps
pump for resealing on my '87 5kcstq, Alexander.  I think it just leaks out
some as you loosen the connections and runs out as you manipulate the pump
to get it off the car.  You could try sucking the fluid out of the pump
with a small version of a turkey baster or something, but I just put a lot
of rags and paper towels around it and let them collect the fluid. 

You need new crush washers (two per connection) for each side of each banjo
assembly (the 5k's have three connections, each a different size from the
others).  I got my seal kit from Carlsen, along with the crush washers.
New washers are something like 25-30 cents each, while the O-ring set was
something like $20-25.  

I did a complete replacement of Pentosin because I figured there'd be
pieces of failed O-ring floating in the oil.  My pump was surprisingly
clean inside, so I decided after thinking about it that my seal failure
probably was related to a quick-oil-change fool pouring brake fluid into
the reservoir before I realized what was going on.

I reinstalled the pump completely except for reconnecting the hoses and
then put in new fluid while turning the pump by hand to make certain it
circulated throughout.  You do not want to run the pump without oil in it.
I used the small baster mentioned above to put small amounts of oil into
the opening for the return line,  and then turn the pump,  repeatedly until
fluid came out of the output connections.  Another job involving a bunch of

Kneale Brownson

At 03:43 PM 10/29/99 -0400, Alexander van Gerbig wrote:
>    Need to reseal the hydraulic pump I have or replace with the extra used
>one I have.  It is leaking the fabulous green stuff quite quickly now, spot
>on the garage last night.  I am wondering what is going to happen when I
>undo the lines to the pump?  Is the fluid going to leak out, or flow out
>quickly?  Will the fluid remain in the lines because of pressure holding it
>    Now once I know that I will crack the pump and take a looksee.  I have
>another used pump, but need the change the pulley wheel on it since it is
>bent.  I cracked that open a while ago to teach myself how it works and what
>seals are in there.  Shoudln't be to hard to replace or get a seal kit for
>the existing pump.  Just not sure about what the fluid will do and all that.
>Bentley just says add fluid and the system will bleed itself?
>Alexander van Gerbig
>'88 Audi 80 -- Koni Yellows, G&M Springs
>HÖR Technologies Sport Hydro Cam, K&N Filter
>Borbet Type T, Dunlop SP9000 Sport
>The Audi 80 Pages------------------
>German Parts Importing------------
>Katonah, NY 10536