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Re: auto-trans questions - MHLIGGINS@aol.com
I second all of MHLIGGINS message with great vigor. I want to mention that
there is a circlip located somewhere in the tranny side that, if broken or
missing, will cause slow or delayed upshifting to 3rd gear. I spent an
enormous amount of money to find out about it.
Solicit the names of good, reliable transmission rebuilders from the list
and elsewhere, and be very, very pragmatic and careful about choosing one.
All rebuilders are not created equal and the last thing you want is for one
to learn on your tranny. It happened to me at a company in Rancho Cordova,
CA, named D_____t. They were closed by the Bureau of Auto Repair, BAR, for
hosing everyone in sight. Much to my chagrin I saw another one of their
franchises in Roseville, CA, one day, so my advice is to stay away from
tranny companies whose name begins with D.
Email me offline and I'll give you the correct name.