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Re: torsen 101 questions

  Repost as i have not gotten a single reply

> This is the third try at posting this, possibly the server has been
> configured to delete any posts with the word torsen in it?
> I hate to extend this thread, however I can't think of a better time to
> check my understanding of the way a torsen works.
>  For simplicity lets discuss a torsen in a rear diff in a front engined,
> rear drive car (as in camaro) (I don't have one!)(don't have a mustang
> anymore either)
>   I don't recall the torque limits but's lets assume this torsen operates
> to a 75/25 split.
> #1    If driving this theoretical car around our virtual corner (sorry
> to resist) without nearing the torque limit or traction limit (driving
> is the torque split 50/50???
> #2  If pushed harder to the point the inside tire slips (or would in an
> diff) would I be correct in my understanding that it will spin at the same
> rate as the outside tire (acting as if locked)???
> #3 (an easy one I assume) past that point both tires will spin at the same
> rate as long as the torque split does not exceed 75/25  and if exceeded
> torsen is uncapable of working and will operate as an open diff.
> I do NOT intend to extend this thread/rope but seems to be a good chance
> test my knowledge.
> I also have a trans out of an 89 200tq which I understand has a torsen in
> (possibly damaged due to fire)
> The car was bought for the MC which is going into one of  my 84 4kq's
>   Dave
>  http://www.pelkie.com/mycars.htm