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Re: Snows for 5kcstq

Actually the later Ur-Qs had 215s and the GLX has 205s.  However I don't
believe within reason that width need necessarily correlate with weight?

John Corbs

----- Original Message -----
From: Erik Addy <erik@aero.und.edu>
To: John Corbishley <JCorbs@gtresort.com>; <JordanVw@aol.com>;
<mizutanit@mindspring.com>; <quattro@audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: Snows for 5kcstq

> >
> > IMHO a little narrower is better in a snow tyre, and you should
> > try to come
> > as close as you can to the standard diameter.  I have 195s on my '83
> > and on my wife's Jetta GLX.
> >
> an Ur-Q and a Jetta, still lighter cars than a type 44.  By a lot.
> 205/60 and 195/65-15 are stock diameter.  As is the 185/65-14 on the 4kq.
> Erik