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RE: My Apology

I should (and am here) publically apologize to Scott and the list for
tossing out that number.  I had no idea that the price was something other
than what I quoted, and as such, should have checked w/Scott before hand.  

I will say that I plan on spending $3xx - $4xx <g> as soon as Scott gets a
2.2 bar solution to the MAC-14 mit der 2.5 bar PT operational.

Scott's products are in my opinion every bit as good as anyone else out
there, at a much reduced price even at the $3xx price.

Again, apologies for pissing anyone off with my vicarious remarks...

> When I saw the $210 price I just saw red, and after that I said a bunch of
> stuff that I shouldn't have. I was wrong to infer that the process/product
> was unworthy of the cost before fully understanding what was involved. I
> portrayed you in a less than honorable light, even though I had already
> seen
> evidence to the contrary myself, and I'm sorry.
> > The $210 price quote was from a job performed in May 1998, and was
> raised
> > to $375 some time ago to cover costs for liability insurance, taxes,
> > providing technical assistance and other business related expenses. The
> low
> > volume doesn't justify a lower price IMHO. There are additional shipping
> > charges for next day air, which can raise the price up to $400 as was
> > quoted by someone else.
> I agree that your prices are far more reasonable than any of the other
> tuners. I would never have spoken up except that I thought you were
> selling
> it for an arbitrary and varying price. Even then I should have kept my
> mouth
> shut.
> > I have also answered other questions from Noah via email during the past
> > few months, so one would think that if Noah had any questions or
> concerns
> > regarding this ECU mod price, he could have contacted me directly via
> email
> > instead of bringing this issue up in the public forum.
> I did CC you on the initial post, but after that I eliminated any CC's
> because the CC list was big and I didn't think that anyone needed multiple
> copies of this thread in their boxes.
> In conclusion, the best thing to come out of this thing is that I only
> succeeded in making _myself_ look like a jerk, and your reputation is
> above
> reproach. Great testimonials were provided by all, not only for your
> character, but also for the degree of effort required in all stages of the
> ECU modification process. I'm not sure how I let myself get worked up so
> much about this, but again I apologize.
> (bowing head in shame, and once again considering meds...)
> -Noah