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to leather or not to leather

Hello all,

I am in the process of kicking around having my Audi's interior done in
leather or fabric. I went to the local upholstry shop and got a twice as
much bid for the leather. Is leather worth it? the car has the seat heaters
so I am not afraid of cold rear in the winter and I would be going with a
light grey so the seats should not get blistering hot, right? Would the
leather last longer, have more fade resistance,be more comfortable on
extended trips, other pros or cons?

manditory RX-7 content. I already know that I will use cloth on the 7.
unless I get some really pursuasive replys.

looking for input

Richard Miller
85 Audi 5000 Turbo
83 Mazda RX-7 slightly modified
81 Mazda RX-7 awaiting boost