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Re: turbo oil & water gates.
You can get them made easily for less than what you quoted. The materials
used will be of superior quality, as well.
*Steve Sachelle Babbar
*'87 5000CS Turbo 5spd 1.3-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 JShadzi@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 12/1/99 11:10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> sbabbar@iris.nyit.edu writes:
> << For oiling, stick with what the audi gods gave ya. I doubt that you'll
> even save much over custom made lines by going with "standard" lines. What
> are these standard lines, anyway?
> >>
> My original email made it quite clear that I did not desire to alter the
> capacity of the lines, so...
> You obviously have never priced out the stock lines...dealer list for the
> two oil lines alone is about $150 each! The oil cooler lines are another
> $300. Or, you could probably do all the lines in Aeroquip hose and reusable
> AN fittings for $100, which also happen to be of superior quality. I have
> heard of two Ur-Q's burning to the ground because of burst turbo oil lines...
> Javad