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Re: Leaking Head Gasket

Alexander van Gerbig  wrote
>    I noticed a very small oil leak on part of the gasket between the
>cylinderhead and the block.  Leaving just oil smudge on the block.  Is this
>something that needs to be replaced ASAP?  How complicated a job dare I

...on that note, I must ask also... my CGT's exhaust has not smelt too keen
lately - it smells of either oil or coolant or both burning off just after
start-up but then is normal after warming up.  There is no blue smoke
though.  The engine block has shown signs of oil seeping thru the gasket,
but nothing even minor. The big deal is I had to add about a quart of
coolant today, after a complete draining, flushing and filling of the
cooling system exactly 6 months(5500 miles) ago.  There are 180K miles on my
CoupeGT and most of it is fine...it still hangs with most modern Japanese 4
cylinders, but of course has loads more character and heritage, so please
let me know all is fairly normal and will b for a while... Thank You!