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Coopers vs Hakkas

I myself wouldn't knock the Coopers although I've never run them myself,
quite a few people I know run them and are real happy with them. I have a
brother that has both hakkas on one volvo and Coopers on another and is
pleased with both. As some of you have said the Blizzaks are terrible dry
tire but an excellent ice tire. Right now I have Yoko Guardex's on a 98 a4
and Dunlop Graspics on an s4. The guardex's are marginally better on ice
and the graspics are marginally better in snow. This is a collection of
about 20 years of personal snow tire usage as I don't believe in all season
tires. In any event almost any snow tire is better than all seasons in snow
but there is the tradeoff of dry road handling. 

Mark Switek