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Audi bleads loyal owner to death
Hey guys,
Well the starting problems were due to a worn starter and a shaggy flywheel.
Two teeth broken and some others worn down. My mech put in a used starter
for now but will probably replace ring gear next week. Any comments? He does
not recommend replacing the entire flywheel due to balancing issues.
Any ideas what caused this prob? Don't want to do this work and have to
revisit a similar problem.
Clutch was replaced a few months ago and flywheel looked OK.
Definitely was cranking excessively due to bad thermo time switch which was
replaced today. Talk about locking the barn, eh?
Rough cold idle seems to be cured since I put a missing check valve in the
vacuum line that feeds the fresh air A/C flap and branches to the vacuum
reservoir. Also, the flap no longer opens on strong acceleration (an issue I
had been troubleshooting for some time and something other listers suffer
with but could not explain).
This car is running better & better, I am learning a bunch about its design
and repair but man it is bleeding me to death.
86 4KCSQ Daily Driver
86 4KS Spare