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Re: Car Audio Advice Pt 2.

> My dash speakers will only play the telephone conversation in the car
> next to me.

During the days of analogue cellphones, one of my major amusements was a
1000-channel scanner mounted in the car.  Beat the crap out of the BBC.

One day (I was driving the smallest, tattiest PoS Nissan) a BMW 7 pulled
up alongside.  A young black guy was driving.  His phone rang and he
picked it up, and the scanner locked on instantly.  It was the
repossession agent telling him that the vehicle's plate had been passed
to the police.

When he put the phone down, I showed him the scanner and indicated I'd
heard the conversation.  Then the lights changed and we both drove on.

I wish I'd had a video of his face.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803  Fax +44 870 0883933