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Re: Transmission Speed Sender (G68)

Steve, i'll lookup the CC wiring diagram.  BTW, I have the microfiche service 
manual, but i'll have to go to the library to printout the section on pulling 
and identifying the transmission fault codes.  And you're right, the 
transmission speed sender, G68 has an 8 wire connection.  Note though that 
there's a Speedometer Sender Unit (G22).  Can you find out where this is on 
the car?  I wonder then what's triggering my car to limp mode when the engine 
gets real hot? hmmm, most times the PRND321 indicator doesn't even light up.  
And also most times, the transmission goes to limp mode when i turn the A/C 
on.  If you have any idea, please pass it along.

Wait a minute... i have the wiring diagram in front of me and the CC has a 
separate IC chip controller.  The IC chip that controls the CC is J213... the 
book doesn't say where the IC chip is located, but i suspect it to be in the 
instrument cluster in one of the circuit boards.  To locate and get the IC's 
number, disassemble the instrument cluster and follow the wiring diagram.  My 
brother and i did this to locate the IC chip that turns the cooling fan 
on/off.  Unless you've already verified that the Vacuum Control Motor is 
working, the CC switch is operable and the wires are ok, i wouldn't go 
messing with the IC chip.  (German cars are notorious for problematic 
electrical wirings.)