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Re: 1995 M3 LTW

In a message dated 99-12-05 20:36:56 EST, you write:

<< I don't get this- why would someone sell an M3 lightweight and
 buy a primitive NASCAR truck? I can see getting a tube-frame M3,
 911 GT3 or GT2, but a Craftsman truck? Oh well, to each his own.
 No criticism of you, Carter.

Well - here's the deal.  The truck is good for low .50's at limerock, and 
lapped my dad's M5 at the Glen - granted, he is a good driver, but the truck 
is a go cart with a 500hp V8.  Second - cost.  A supercup GT3 911 cost 
upwards of 125K used, and to build a competetive tubeframe M3 would run about 
150K.  No shit.   Kermit Upton sold his World Challange M3 for 125K.  The 
truck cost about 25,000.
On top of that, he can race it cheap.
I'd rather have the ltw, but I totally understand his reasoning - he just 
likes to go fast.
Carter J