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RE: ic list
Hey, guys and gals! How do you think that the current standard in IC's
or anything else came to be? Somebody took an existing product or idea
and applied some of their own ideas to it. Sometimes they came up with
a better product and sometimes they didn't. But we all have to agree
that if no one ever TRIES something different, we won't be seeing very
many improvements. What if nobody had ever tried fuel injection? We'd
all be driving carburated Audi's! (....involuntary shudder....) Isn't
this list all about sharing of information and ideas among people with a
common interest? If we go jumping all over listers when they propose a
'radical' concept, I think it's safe to say that listers will become
reluctant to post any ideas at all and that's when we will all lose out.
I'm not trying to be a moderator or anything, just trying to keep the
supply of ideas flowing.
Definitely please include me on the ic list
Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693
'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)
>From: Sachelle Babbar[SMTP:sbabbar@iris.nyit.edu]
>Sent: December 9, 1999 12:14 PM
>To: quattrolist
>Subject: ic list
>I have really only received good feeligns about the idea, but the 3 bad
>seem to have a larger voice than the people that I'm speaking to
>privately. I do have to apologize that some letters made it to the list,
>myself included accidentally replied private q and a's to the list.
>If there are parties interested in being on a private mailing list, please
>email. Over the last couple of days, I had quite a few progress reports
>because I was actually working on the project. You really won't see any
>until I get cracking again and there will be few, at that.
>In any event, I don't let discouraging words get in my way and I don't
>feel you learn as much by spending what you have. You learn more by
>spending less. Ask any mustang guy and they mostly don't know too much
>except for the names of what products to use. I'm going to learn quite a
>bit from this project and through cash accounts, any subsequent version
>and projects will be much cheaper.
>*Steve Sachelle Babbar
>*'87 5000CS Turbo 5spd 1.3-2.0 bar <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
>*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
>*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
>*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
>*your results may vary from mine."