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Re: Homebrew IC's
In a message dated 12/9/99 9:10:15 PM Central Standard Time,
mardkins@email.msn.com writes:
> It's not that I don't agree with you about the intercooler (I do) but for
> you to suggest that someone take it too a website is incredible. It took
> you 2 years to take the torsen thread to a different list. What has it
> with Mr. Babaar 3 days.
> Pat Martin
Point well taken Mr. Martin... Homebrew IC's taking up BW here is a great
way of learning about IC's. Claims of improvement are tough to make. I'm
putting my 2cents in, cuz I think the whole thread is oversimplified in
target and concept. My post was helping those REALLY interested, to get some
baseline. Given the responses, I'm not sure that's what anyone wanted to
hear. Cheaper and better just aren't concepts that I accept readily. A
separate website dedicated to just IC's might help many here. Lots of myths
about them, based on this thread alone.
My website suggestion reflects some of what I learned wrt the torsen
discussion. However, I can follow my own advice and hit the delete key too.
Darn grinch that I am.
My .02
Scott Justusson