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Winter rally information, Twin cities listers

Good morning guys,
    Please look at this web site for information regarding the arrowhead sports
car club winter rally series.  www.arrowheadscc.org     I am recommending the
January 15th tsd rally which occurs near Duluth, last year it was a nice small
event and was a blast (only 12 cars entered last year)!  This event is a cheap
($25, $20 with SCCA membership), fun way to dabble into motorsports with your
street cars.  Also, the scenery was cool also.  The average speeds can be very
challenging at times, (45 miles per hour average on a blind, snow covered gravel
minimum maintenance forest road is fast). The rally length last year was a
little over 150 miles if I remember correctly.
    Last year there were 4 Audi's entered, 1 1984 4kq, 1 1987 5kcstq, 1 1993 s4,
and 1 1990 100 FWD( which I watched spin backwards into a snow filled ditch at
40 miles per hour, and then pulled out with my quattro and a snatch strap).
    I look forward into making this event an Audi dominated field with all of
your help.
    I am planning on competing with my 1987 5kcstq.
Let me know if you have any questions,