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RE: Stabilant 22A source
Did some more digging and I found a source for Stabilant 22A, Napa Auto
parts - they don't have it in store, but Balkamp (sp) supplies it out of
their warehouse. Bad news is that a 5ml bottle (can't be sure but that's
what the parts guy thinks) is $49.13 plus the gov's share. Ouch! Then
again, how much does it cost for every freakin' relay and switch, and
aspirin for electrical gremlin diagnosis headaches....
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Bigelow [SMTP:sbigelow@sprint.ca]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 2:57 PM
To: Randy McCall; 'Quattro list'
Subject: Re: East Bay area alignment recommendation and Stabilant 22A
Try a high-end stereo shop.
-----Original Message-----
From: Randy McCall <randym@schiller.com>
>Also, I have been calling local parts houses for Stabilant 22A - Car
>Grand Auto/Kragen, Napa - based on previous info regarding who stocks the
>stuff, but still no luck. Anyone find it around the Bay Area, and where?