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ATF Level, Up and Down

Hi Alexander,

Okay, I'll bite.  Isn't your car the one that manufactures fluids and
refuses to give them up except under the most stringent conditions?  (pun).
My info from a good wrench says that the transmission ought to be
_luke_warm_ when the ATF is measured.  I've pumped as much as a liter out
after a bad workshop overfilled it, apparently thinking that it should be
filled to the top of the tranny dipstick pipe.  I've pumped it out when I
filled it using the official capacity numbers from the Bentley.  I get the
feeling that filling the tranny correctly the first time is more an art than
a science.

I would like to hear from someone who really knows how to correctly fill and
subsequently check the tranny fluid levels.

My .02.


Jim Jordan

> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 13:24:36 -0500
> From: "Alexander van Gerbig" <Audi_80@email.msn.com>
> Subject: ATF Level, Up and Down
>     My ATF level seems to wander greatly when I test it at
> different times,
> engine temp the same, the same level garage floor, wheels straight ahead,
> trans in P.  Manual says check after 6 minutes of driving, operating temp
> should be reached by then.  Last night I drained some ATF after
> an overfill
> and checked.  Very small amount above the max dot.  Then I went for a good
> hard drive to test the autobox with fresh ATF this morn.  Checked
> the fluid
> level and it as too high for my liking.  The temp gauge during
> both previous
> checks was exactly the same, operating temp for my car.  Car shifted very
> well, I am quite happy about it since it was misbehaving before.  Would a
> hard drive followed by a slow 1 mile drive down the nasty dirt road I live
> on cause the temp of the ATF to rise quickly, thus rising the level?
> Generally speaking, if I drive down a highway for 10 miles and then find a
> level spot to pull over is that the best way to test?  OR test
> after idling
> on the garage for 10-15 minutes?
> Thanks and excuse my paranoia,
> Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 Audi 80
> The Audi 80 Pages-----------------------
> http://surf.to/the80pages.com
> Katonah, NY 10536
> ------------------------------