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finally...it runs
about 1 year ago my son and his wife purchased a non-running 5ks....i had
told them that if they feel it's a good buy that i would help them to fix it
up. my son suggested that if _he_ couldn't fix it in a week (his vacation
time) no-one could!......he couldn't fix it and it stood outside rusting the
new rotors for months. i couldn't stand seeing such waste and brought it
into my shop for me to repair. i learned two things...
-1 don't believe what people tell you that they have done...check it yourself
-don't buy _project_cars unless you have the time and disposition to follow
through with the project.
that said, here is what i found and corrected...car is an 84 5ks with slushbox
-the engine....had wrong timing belt! to accomodate it someone had removed
the idler....the _new_ timing belt had no teeth left.
the cooling system had no fluid...adding fluid revealed a missing
frost plug.
the engine had no compression (see # 1)
checking the injectors revealed that they all leaked.
i changed the engine with the one from my donor 5k wagon.
my son had changed the rotors and had the drums machined as well as
new pads and shoes.
i found that the wheel cylinders leaked and replaced them also...he
had also incorrectly installed the springs on the rear brakes :>(. i flushed
the fluid and bled the brakes. the bomb, although not perfect still gave
lots of pumps before going hard.
one of the parking brake cables was siezed so it too was replaced.
the radiator leaked, and was replaced with one from the donor.
-the engine was started and brought up to temp....the heater then emptied
all of the new antifreeze onto the passenger side floor...replaced the
heater box with the one from the donor
both engine mounts and the tranny mount were broken...once again,
the relatively new ones from the donor car offered their services.
the hood supports were shot...donor car once again saved the day.
all hoses and vac lines were replaced
the oil cooler, valve cover, and timing belt covers were all painted
a bright red as was the tranny oil pan.
the alternator was making obnoxious noises...the donor saved the day
new belts were also installed
the starter was slow and noisy...dismantling revealed a _really_ dry
front bearing...cleaning and regreasing helped here
changed the engine oil and filter as well as all other fluids,
regreased the cv joints.
finally...it was ready so i took it for a drive
what a great car! it was actually worth doing. sure i _should_ have fixed up
the donor wagon and not the sedan, but the dil preferred the sedan.
the 5ks feels lighter and more nimble than the 5ktq, sure the tq has lots
more power and quattro...but the 5ks sedan is ideal for the dil...who doesnt
really understand about gear changing, cool down, and not holding in the
clutch for every light.
oh yes the donor wagon also gave up a wheel for use as a full size
spare...the jack too.....and a door handle.
the car now has about 10 hrs driving time and is feeling better each
day as it wears-in to being used again.
86 5kcdtq, tap chip sjm spring
84 5ks
84 5ksw
many cyclops bicycles