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Keyless entry questions
I have used the following wiring diagram to install keyless entry in my
wife's 90 V8:
[Unable to display image]
Where I put the six dots indicates a power lead from the wiring harness of
the central vac pump (for the door locks.) All connections are good, all
places supposed to have +12V have it, and all places that are supposed to
ground are grounded. I'm sorry if the image is fuzzy, but I had to make it
fit in the email. I, along with a guy who has installed stereos and alarms
for a living in the past, troubleshot the system for a good hour and cannot
find any bad wiring. What am I missing? The system is an Autoloc KY3750 and
the remotes, I believe, are not "learnin'" the code from the black box. Any
advice would be appreciated and thanks in advance,
Gil Bourcier
Columbia, MD USA
87 4kcsq-mine