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Re: Would you buy a 1994 V8???

On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 12:07:21 -0500, you wrote:

>Would anyone have any feedback on buying a 1994 V8?  
>For example, what should I be concerned about?  
>Is this a high maintenance car ?  

Not exactly, but it tends to be expensive to fix when you have to fix

>What are some of the big ticket repair items?

UFO brake discs (the "strange" front brakes)

>Does it have a lot of unexpected repairs (breakdowns) ?  

No. The early models had some problems, but a 1994 is a sure bet.

>I recall that the old brakes with the internal calipers were not too great.  

Correct. Worked great, but the discs tended to warp pretty easily..

>The V8 depreciated so much that I thought it would  be a good value, but I
>don't want to spend a fortune on maintainance.

I would say that a 1994 V8 is a good buy.. Comfortable, fast and
"luxury".. :-)
