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RE: buick re-shaped my quattro, need parts.

	I'm assuming you'll need to go to Bry's for some of these
parts.  But maybe I can help.  Fist, I know that Joe was parting a
4kq.  He still has it but I dont know whats on it.  
	2) There is a 4ks and Coupe at the local u-Pull yard.  Fenders
there are felatively cheap but the 4ks front end is preetty well crunched
but I think the driver front fender may be Ok.  The Coupe has the 84'
style fenders with different bumper mounting holes and the Side marker
light.  BUT,  If you want I could pull either of these for you.  But the
headlights ont he 85' are shot.
	3)  I've pulled the fenders on numerous 4ks.  Its actually pretty
easy.  The hardest part is getting the trim off cleanly.  Your 85' trim is
different than mine so I'm not sure about removing it.  I think it just
slides out the side but I'm not sure.  On ce the trim is off the bumper
needs to come off to get the fender off.  Remove bumper in its entirety
with brackets.  You need a 13mm socket to remove 4-bolts on each bracket
behind the bumper.  Then slide the bumper forward to remove.  Now, you
have 3-4 screws ont he front keeping the pottom part of the fender
attached to the core support.  these must come out.  (easy)  Remove tire
and undoe 4-5 screw so you can remove inner fender liner.  You have to
bend it around a bit to get it out but it comes out pretty
easy.  Replacement is the hard part (never wants toline up)  With this out
you have access to the 3-fender to A-pillar screws (fender bolts)  They
are 13mm i believe.  And you wont see them.  This part takes a bit of
patience.  You have to feel around with your fingers and find where there
are lumps under the tar.  Then take a flat blade or chisel and scrape away
the body tar from around the bolts so you can get a socket around
them.  They come out easy onece you can get a socket around them but it
just takes a bit of time to scrape away the tar.  Now the easy
part.  Remove allt he 13mm bolts on top of fender to pull it up.  You'll
have to suport the hood as you'll have to remove the bracket that holds it
up.  Once all the bolts are removed it takes some time to work it
loose.  There is TONS of Tar holding it in place.  Start at the front and
sloly work to the rear.  Once the top is free slowly work it away from the
A-pillar.  If your tossing the fender GREAT...just pull harder to yank it
off.  It bends the fender but you have a new one so who cares.  
  Repalcemnt reverse but easier since the tar isn't a problem.  And its
nto that hard of a Job.  One hour to get it off maybe.  Uhh, the fender of
	Hope that helps.  Not responsible for any bleeding from a bolt I
forgot about. :-)  Best of luck.  What color is your car.  I can check
around here.  At Whity's there is a Blue 4kq, and a bronze one.  Bronze
one is 85-87.

	Todd Phenneger
	1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
	1984 4000 Turbo quattro (Faster than your average 4kq)
	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!
  *	http://www.uidaho.edu/~phen9461/motorsports.htm