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Re: 0-60 What??

In a message dated 99-12-14 12:26:43 EST, you write:

<< When Porsche introduced the Tiptronic transmissions, they and the mag
 testers all claimed it would beat a stick to 60 >>

It didn't.  They were a touch slower, in most cases, but the ease of driving 
them is quite pleasant.   However, the Tiptronic program was developed 
directly from the 962C Prototype race cars, where Porsche found that the 
semi-automatic was good for around 1 second a lap.  Which, in racing terms, 
was a quantum leap forward.  I also wouldn't worry much about the tip 
handling the power - 962C's ran upwards of 800 hp in qualifying race trim, 
and are widely (and correctly) regarded as the most sucessful prototype car 
ever built (7 or 8 straight LM wins..)

Carter J