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Re: Taillight bulbs
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:52:56 EST
> From: JordanVw@aol.com
> Subject: Re: Taillight bulbs
> In a message dated 12/14/99 11:29:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> mizutanit@mindspring.com writes:
> << What kind of bulbs are used in the taillights of an '86 5kcstq? One
> burned out, so I'm going to replace it and am thinking of replacing
> all of the bulbs, just to prevent any burnouts in the near future.
Hi All,
Before everyone rushes out to replace all their bulbs before they fail,
consider this: Some of my bulbs are still operating after 18 years and over
300K miles of operation. Some of the contacts need to be recoated with
solder occasionally, but I feel it's a waste of filaments to replace all
just because one fails.
My .02.
Jim Jordan
> I'm hoping I can get these at the local auto parts store, not the
> dealership.
> Also, is it difficult to remove the reflector/taillight section that
> is part of the trunk lid? I'm replacing the black plastic part that
> has the license plate holder and am hoping that this is not a very
> difficult task. Do I need to buy some sort of sealant, like the black
> gooey stuff? >>
> just regular 1157 bulbs. you can get them anywhere.
> are your lisc plate screw sockets all reamed out? if so, you
> dont need to
> replace the whole rear light panel, you just need to go to your
> local FLAPS
> (FriendlyLocalAutoPartsStore) or kmart has them too, and buy a
> set of those
> lisc. plate sockets/screws. pack of 4 is like a buck. All the audis ive
> ever owned had this prob, and its easy/cheap to fix.
> chris
> '86 5kT, TQ
> ------------------------------