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RE: Rear anti-roll bar for '83 Ur
... many, US ur-q's (those built through mid-83) should already have a rear
A/R bar. Is the Blau kit supposed to be for the newer cars, or is it
applicable to all?
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> -----Original Message-----
> Blau were supposedly developing their own rear anti-roll bar
> to fit coupes,
> ur-qs, and 4ks, I think. When I spoke to them mid-summer
> about this, it was
> "still in development." I would be interested in a rear bar
> to see what it
> would do to reduce understeer, and make the track handling a bit more
> neutral.
> Best Regards,
> Gerry Snow
> Spokane, Washington, USA
> -----Original Message-----
> >I notice that Blau has (thinks me) Neuspeed swaybars (sic)
> in their latest
> >ad. Anyone w/ a good idea on what rear bar would make an '83 Ur w/
> >215/50-15s on 8" wheels fairly neutral?
> >
> >TIA,
> >
> > - DJ
> >
> >
> >