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Re: Oil Burning...Ideas?
Does your 80 produce any smoke ? If it does is it foul smelling ?
Those are typical symptoms of what might be bad piston rings.
I doubt that with just 140K on the clock that your 80 would need
a complete rebuild. I have an 88 with 166K+ on the clock and
still not a symptom of any engine underperformance. The only
other thing I could think off and not being an expert in this area
is the chance that the valve seals ( I hope that is what they are
called) are worn out and letting oil past them. Another thing to
look for would be to check your engine for obvious oil leaks.
(You mentioned this in your message). A good way to do this
is usually to have a clean engine ( use a suitable engine cleaner)
and then observe over the next couple of days or in your parking
area. Again this could mean a seal has given way and this would
be a good way to pinpoint which one in particular. Has your car
been tuned up lately ? Well this is more of a layman's responce but
I hope that it has been of help.
Mike Theuri
88 80Q 166K+
----- Original Message -----
From: "James M Costa" <cost0030@gold.tc.umn.edu>
I have a 1989 Audi 80 with 140k. It uses about 1 quart of oil per week. Ouch!
Mostly burned, but a little leaks. I suspect this is an indication of bad
piston rings. If correct, this means a complete engine rebuild right? Are
there any other causes for excessive oil consumption? What is the cheapest way
out of this problem?